Week 1 - Our Fragile Atmosphere and the Challenges We Face

Week 1 of the course will introduce you to the Earth's atmosphere and why we monitor it.

Topics covered include threats the atmosphere is facing and why monitoring matters;  an introduction to the Copernicus Programme and CAMS; the structure of the atmosphere; what we measure; the different satellites used to measure the atmosphere; and how atmospheric data can support enterprises and innovative solutions.

Dr Mark Parrington

Senior Scientist / Lead Educator

Dr Rosemary Munro

Atmospheric Composition Mission Scientist/ Lead Educator

Dr Martin Adams

Air Pollution, Transport and Noise Group Lead

Professor John Burrows

Professor of the Physics of the Ocean and Atmosphere

Dr Mauro Facchini

Head of Unit Copernicus Services

Dr Iolanda Ialongo

Post-Doc Researcher

Pirjo Jantunen

Corporate Social Responsibility Manager

Antonio Mariano

Console Operator

Professor Paul Monks

Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Earth Observation Science

Dr Vincent-Henri Peuch

Head of CAMS

Dr Matthieu Plu

Head of PLASMA Research Team

Professor John Remedios

Head and Professor of Earth Observation Science